Welcome to our new Chair

steve patrick

We are delighted to welcome to the Chair Steve Patrick, JD; M Intl Law; MA (Intl Rel); GDLP.

Steve has been a Director of Bravery Trust since July 2020.  He is a graduate of the Royal Military College – Duntroon, serving 10 years in the Australian Army before moving into law and public policy.

Steve has a comprehensive background in legal practise, advisory, and public policy. He was formerly a Defence-portfolio ministerial adviser; liaison officer to a Prime Minister; a central agency (PM&C) policy adviser; and is now Head of Strategic Projects and General Counsel of DMTC Ltd. He holds a Juris Doctor, two Masters degrees, and post-graduate qualifications in management and analysis, is a member of the Global Access Partners Standing Committee on National Resilience and is on the Roll of the NSW Supreme Court.

Steve’s leadership will see our continued focus on delivering a best-practice professional financial service for veterans.

Through innovation and agility, we can identify and interpret trends impacting our veteran community – and target resources for maximum impact.

Supporting Those Who Serve

Bravery Trust
Bravery Trust