It’s Brave To Ask for help
Bravery Trust provides financial assistance, financial counselling and financial education to current and ex-serving members of the Australian Defence Force. Our service is free, confidential and independent.

How we help

Financial Assistance
Bravery Trust provides an immediate financial safety net to veterans injured during service and their families. We work swiftly to address the immediate crisis then work longer term with veterans and their families to build confidence and skills for a financially sustainable future. The top four requests are rent/bond, removals, motor vehicle expenses and health.

Financial Counselling
Bravery Trust’s veteran-specific Financial Counselling Service is free to all current and ex-serving members of the Australian Defence Force. Our FCS is built on a deep understanding of Defence and the veteran support system. Our staff are trained professionals who can advise on your rights and options when dealing with financial hardship. Early conversations can reduce the impact and stress of hardship.

Financial Education
Understanding personal finances can be overwhelming. Our Financial Fitness program assists serving and ex-serving members of the ADF to avoid or reduce financial hardship by developing an understanding of financials options and building better money habits. Our Financial Fitness program can help to prepare for additional costs beyond ADF. We deliver financial education to groups and individuals.
Having the financial burden of not being able to understand how to budget properly, to ensure you have the financial security to be able to live your life, puts a great burden on you and your family.
Phillip Thompson, OAM MP
Bravery Trust Ambassador