The Last Post – Bravery Trek Special Edition

Since I started The Last Post in 2011, I have had the privilege of meeting and working with some amazing people. None more so than Bravery Trust.

Bravery Trust is a national military charity which provides current and ex-serving members of the Australian Defence Force with financial aid, financial education and financial counselling. Their service is free, confidential and independent of the ADF.

On the 8th of September, Bravery Trust’s Bravery Trek 2024 gets underway. As a resource to the event, we present The Last Post’s Special Edition for 2024, The Bravery Trust Edition.

On The Bravery Trek, you can challenge yourself to run, walk, ride, roll or swim the Bravery Trek annual distance targets to raise funds for Aussie veterans and awareness of the support services available.

We encourage you to take part in this event.

It’s easy. Entry is free. Go to The Bravery Trust website and sign up to honour the service and sacrifice of Defence personnel across the 5 domains of the Australian Defence Force. We’ll leave the rest up to you.

After 13 years, The Last Post remains committed to bringing the veteran and general community together. In that, the strength to find solutions and an easier path to all. Welcome to The Last Post Bravery Trust Special Edition 2024.

Diary of an independent publisher

View the full magazine here.

Supporting Those Who Serve

Bravery Trust
Bravery Trust