Media Release
· Innovative Financial Fitness program finds new ways to address financial hardship of veterans
· Proactive education, before or during transition
· Top 10 Money Management tips released to stay financially fit this Christmas
The Royal Commission has encouraged organisations to work collaboratively and find proactive, professional solutions to ensure veterans can receive the support they need.
Bravery Trust, with the support of Omni, is finding new ways to intervene earlier during the transition process through an innovative ‘Financial Fitness’ program.
Bravery Trust CEO Garth Callender said it’s making sure veterans and their families are supported to stay financially fit during the stressful Christmas build-up.
“Veterans have dedicated their careers to defending our nation, often away from home, in challenging and highly technical roles,” he said. “Their focus on national security means that for some, finances aren’t always a priority. However, this can lead to challenges once they transition to civilian life.”
The Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide has highlighted the importance of financial fitness for veteran wellbeing:
· 34% of veterans reported financial stress, struggling with bills, debt management, and saving.
· Higher unemployment rates among veterans, particularly those injured or with mental health issues.
· Income disparity between veterans and the general population, leading to reduced earning capacity post-service.
Bravery Trust is a national military charity providing tailored financial support and counselling to veterans and their families.
Omni is a veteran-owned business which employs 43% veterans in support of Australia’s sovereign capability.
“At Omni, we understand the importance of the private sector playing a proactive role in helping ADF personnel transition from service,’ said Omni CEO Jon Hawkins.
“Omni is proud of the skills and commitment ex-service personnel bring to our team, and we also understand there are some veterans who face challenges after their service.
“Working with Bravery Trust, the proactive Financial Fitness program builds confidence and capability and teaches core skills, like a personal trainer would assist with physical fitness. It also provides opportunities for ongoing mentoring to retain healthy financial habits.”
Bravery Trust supports current and ex-serving members of the Australian Defence Force and immediate family members: phone 1800 BRAVERY (1800 272 837), email or seek support via our website
In the lead-up to Christmas, Bravery Trust with the support of Omni, has released some Money Management tips to assist people across the veteran community to stay Financially Fit this Christmas.